Meditation and Tai Chi

Dr Tony Golding-Cook, of Pathfields Medical Group, explains the theory, practice and significant health benefits of meditation and Tai Chi in a series of short videos. 

Introducing Meditation

Dr Tony Golding-Cook explains the theory, practice and significant health benefits of meditation

Introducing Meditation

Releasing Stress Meditation

A simple 12 minute guided meditation to help release stress and tension from your mind and body, led by Dr Tony Golding-Cook

Releasing Stress Meditation

Letting Go of Pain Meditation

A simple 14 minute guided visualisation meditation which will help you let go of emotional and physical pain, led by Dr Tony Golding-Cook

Letting Go of Pain Meditation

Protected by Light Meditation

A simple 14 minute guided meditation to restore inner peace and tranquillity, no matter what life throws at you - led by Dr Tony Golding-Cook

Protected by Light Meditation

Introducing Tai Chi

What is it? Where did it come from? When did it start? Which way do you spell it? Who can do it? How hard can it be? Why bother anyway? In this video for Pathfields Medical Group, Dr Tony Golding-Cook explores the answers to these questions and provides an (amateur) demonstration of Tai Chi Shibashi Qigong, in the hope that it will welcome you into a new world of health, wholeness and wellbeing.

Introducing Tai Chi