Reasonable Adjustments

Health and Care organisations must make reasonable changes to their services so they can be accessible to people with disabilities. This includes people with a Physical, sensory, learning, or mental disability, including Dementia and Autism.

Pathfields Medical Group are actively reviewing our processes and have created a more robust process for identifying and recording Reasonable Adjustments.

Please see the online questionnaire and consent form to tell us about any Reasonable Adjustments you may have.

Does lip read
Does use a communication device (please specify)Yes
Does use a hearing aid
Preferred method of communication writtenYe
Uses a citizen advocate
Uses a legal advocateYes
Uses an alternative communication skill (please specify)
Uses British Sign Language
Uses deaf blind intervenorYes
Uses electronic note take
Uses lip speaker
Uses Makaton
Uses manual note taker
Uses personal audio device to record information
Uses speech-to-text reporter
Uses telecommunication device for the deaf
Uses a non-speech system for communication (please specify)
Uses functional communication skills (body language)
Uses gestures for communication
Uses non-verbal communication
Uses objects for communication
Uses photographs for communication
Uses symbols for communication
Uses verbal communication
Uses voice-aid to support communication