Being an adult carer

Being an adult carer

A carer is someone, who provides help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help. This could be due to age, physical or mental illness, disability, or addiction. A carer may be an adult, a child, or a young person.

A parent carer is a parent of a disabled child providing substantial and regular care beyond what is usually expected for a similarly aged child. When a disabled young person reaches age 19, the parent carer does not stop being a parent, but in legal and policy terms is considered to be the carer of an adult.

Carers will be of all ages and situations; many balance their caring role with work, training, and childcare; many care for someone who does not live in the same house and may travel some distance.

Westbank - Health - Wellbeing - Care

Website: Westbank Adult Carers

Telephone: 01392 824752

Improving Lives Plymouth

Website: Improving Live Plymouth

Telephone: 01752 201890
