A Guide for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Pathfields Medical Group is a primary care service that works across 6 locations across Plymouth. 

Primary care practices:

  • Treat all common medical conditions
  • Refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment.
  • It is one of the first places people go to with a health problem.

Registering as an Asylum Seeker or Refugee

You can visit Pathfields Medical Group to sign a registration form.

We can arrange someone to help you complete the form.

Registering as an Asylum Seeker (child) or Refugee

If you would like to register your child as a patient at our surgery, you need to register their details with us in person at your local practice

How to contact a Doctor at the Practice

There are 2 ways to contact us for an appointment during our practice opening hours Monday-Friday 8.00-18.00.

  1. Telephone 01752 341474

If your English is limited please tell the staff which language you speak and they will book an interpreter for you or get an interpreter on the phone.

    2. Online at Online Medical Requests

Out of Hours Care

If a problem is outside our practice hours and can’t wait until we reopen please phone NHS 111 by calling 111 on your telephone. 

Alternatively visit NHS 111 website here.

Emergency Care

If your problem is an emergency contact the Emergency Ambulance on 999. 

The nearest Emergency Department is based at Derriford Hospital 

Urgent Treatment and Minor Injuries

You can also contact the Urgent Treatment Centre and Minor Injury Unit between 8am-6pm on 01752 434390. They will treat injuries that are not isn’t life-threatening, but still require urgent treatment, such as cuts, small burns, bites and stings, sprains, infected wounds, foreign bodies in eyes.

Remember there is no cost for primary, urgent treatment or emergency care.

What Happens at a Primary Care Appointment?

Most appointments with the Practice are through the telephone.

If we think we need to see you in person, we will arrange a time to see you.

If we are seeing you in person, you will receive a text message to confirm the appointment time. This is not a service you have to pay for. If your problem is urgent you will be contacted more quickly

Your telephone appointment could be at any time. Please keep your phone near you and expect the caller to show as "private number" on your phone screen

Please try and find somewhere private and comfortable for a consultation. If this is a problem let our reception team know.

If your English is limited the practice will arrange an interpreter for you

Pathfields Medical Group is a safe space for you to talk to your Dr or Nurse in confidence. We do not report back to the Home Office.

Health Services offered by Pathfields

Preventative Services: tests for issues such as Diabetes, Cancer and risk factors for Heart Disease, Immunisations against disease, Smoking Cessation services.

Treatment of Acute Illness and Injury: Treatment for sickness involves: tests to diagnose, prescribe medication, checking other medications your taking, treating illnesses such as asthma, migraine, urinary tract infections.

We can treat for Depression and common Mental Health problems although you may be offered specialist refugee mental health support.

Management of Long-Term Conditions: we monitor your condition, help you put a self-care plan together, and prescribe medications for your condition. 

If our clinicians think you need further treatments, we can make referrals for you to see specialists. There may be some costs for non-emergency hospital treatments.


During your first appointment your GP will talk to you about any routine medications you take.

Once there is an agreed treatment plan a prescription can be sent to your chosen pharmacy.

Written Requests: Complete a repeat prescription request form on the reception desk.

Online Requests: We can send your prescription to your chosen chemist directly saving you having to come down to the practice. You will need to register to the online service. NHS APP

How to Register with a GP (NHS England)