Pathfields Medical Group

Helping you live well

Online Consulting

At our practice, we offer a range of online services for your convenience. Many tasks can be easily completed through our Online Consulting platform


Choosing self-care for life! Help to increase knowledge, skills and confidence in managing your own health help you live better. 

Anxiety Stress and Depression Support

If you, or someone you know, needs support, there are services and people available to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has someone to turn to for advice and support.

Get Active

Become a healthier you with One You Plymouth 


Free help quitting smoking - quitting smoking is the most important action you can take to improve your health and the health of those around you.

Better Eating

Help with wellness and weight loss with One You Plymouth 


Help with connecting with people, groups, local activities and communites

Carer Support

Are you a carer and want to find out more information on the help or support available? 

Surgery information

Find out more about Pathfields Medical Group, our opening times and team.